Sharing our knowledge with local farmers
Every year, TAMSHI conducts Field Schools for small farmers, or Escuelas de Campo ("ECAs"), which are aimed at small farmers or local citizens who wish to be trained in the management of cacao crops. The ECAs seek to strengthen the skills and technical knowledge of small farmers in the sustainable management of cacao trees within agro-forestry systems.
To date, we have set up 13 ECAs which were attended by 300 people, of which 150 participants have successfully graduated and received certificates of completion. For the vast majority, it was the first degree they have ever received.
“There is serenity. I feel much better and grateful to the Company, who through PAPEC has given us all the field schools. I will continue working, I will continue extending my cacao plantations because I want the best for the future of my children.”
Several of our Initiatives
Cooperation Agreement with Universities
Social & Economic Development: